Acad. Prof. Dr. David Tomasi

DSc HC, PhD, EdD-PhD, MMed, MA, MCS, AAT

Professor, Researcher, Psychotherapist, and Psychologist, Acad. Prof. Dr. David Tomasi is a member of several national and international Academies of Sciences, Director of Nortades Psychotherapy,  Secretary of VAAS, and Faculty at the Community College of Vermont. Recognized as a “Top 1% Researcher” on (since 2021) and included in the 45 i10-index on Google Scholar (since 2022), Tomasi is the author of "Medical Philosophy: A Philosophical Analysis of Patient Self-Perception in Diagnosis and Therapy" (Ibidem - Columbia University Press, 2016), "Critical Neuroscience and Philosophy. A Scientific Re-Examination of the Mind-Body Problem" (Palgrave Macmillan, 2020), "Orgasmo" (Nortades, 2023), and "Mind-Body Medicine in Inpatient Psychiatry" (Ibidem - Columbia University Press, 2020), as well as co-author of Positive Patient Response to a Structured Exercise Program Delivered in Inpatient Psychiatry (Global Advances in Health and Medicine), the "2019 Most-read Research Item" from the University of Vermont (Researchgate).

Curriculum Vitæ - Scientific Resume only

Please visit the Arts, Theatre, and Music sections for tour dates, list of exhibitions and performances, academic activities, and other events and publications.


Acad. Prof. Dr. David Tomasi, DSc HC, PhD, EdD-PhD, MMed, MA, MCS, AAT

President - Nortades Psychotherapy

State of Vermont Licensed Psychologist-Doctorate


Faculty Member

CCV - Community College of Vermont


Vermont Academy of Arts and Sciences


Main Publications




 Official Youtube Channel:

 PubMed / NIH:

 Google Scholar:

 Scopus / Web of Science:





·       DSc HC – Doctor of Science, Higher Doctorate Honoris Causa, Section: Medical Sciences, Russian Academy of Natural History (Почётный доктор наук, Медицинские науки, Российская Академия Естествознания), Moscow

§  Supervisor: Acad. Prof. Dr. DMN Mikhail Yurievich Ledvanov, President of the Russian Academy of Natural History

§  RAE Committee: Assistant to the Chief Scientist, Acad. Prof. Dr. DMN Tatiana Vladimirovna, Shnurovozova; Chief Scientific Secretary of RAE, Prof. Dr. KMD Natalia Yurievna Stukova

·       Specialization in Integrative Medicine and Health, University of Minnesota / Coursera

·       Certificate Program in Jungian Psychotherapy, Zur Institute

·       Post-Doctoral Fellowship, Research Study in Critical Neuroscience (1st), Research Study in Medicine / Psychotherapy (2nd), Department of Philosophy, University of Sofia St. Kliment Ohridski 

·       EdD-PhD in Psychology, Double Doctorate, University Azteca / Universidad Central de Nicaragua - UCN European Programs Innsbruck, Austria. Clinical Research at the University of Vermont Medical Center

§  Advisers: Prof. Dr. Friedrich Luhan, Prof. Dr. George Gonzalez, Prof. Dr. Gerhard Berchtold

§  External Examiner: Prof. Dr. Helmut Koger

§  Austrian Presidency of the European Union


·       MSc courses in Psychology Class LM-51 in Cognitive Processes and Technologies, specialization in clinical technologies, Post-secondary European Union academic degree level,

International Telematic University Uninettuno

·       PhD in Philosophy, Research Focus: Medical Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, University of Sofia St. Kliment Ohridski. Clinical Research at the University of Vermont Medical Center

§  Clinical supervisor: Prof. Dr. William Tobey Horn – Medical Director, University of Vermont Medical Center, Department of Inpatient Psychiatry / Ass. Prof. University of Vermont Larner College of Medicine.

§  Advisers: Prof. Dr. Alexander Lyubenov Gungov - Professor of Logic and Continental Philosophy and Director of the Doctoral Program at the University of Sofia; Prof. Dr. Friedrich Luft - Director Clinical and Experimental Research Center (ECRC), Charité Humboldt University, Faculty of Medicine, Berlin and Director Center for Molecular Medicine (MDC) Max Delbrück, Berlin.

§  Scientific council: Chair - Prof. Valeri Kostov Dinev; Julia Alexandrova Vaseva-Dikova, ISSK, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences; Ivanov Dimitrov, ISSK, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

§  Bulgarian Presidency of the European Union

·       MMed in Internal Medicine (Máster en Medicina Interna), Specialization in Pediatric and Emergency Medicine, Esneca - Universidad Católica de Cuyo, Madrid – San Juan, Argentina / Spain

§  Adviser: Prof. Dr. Víctor Vidal, MD, Medical Inspector of the National Institute of Social Security (Instituto Nacional de la Seguridad Social – INSS).

·       Master in Mathematics & Physics, Specialization in Mathematics & Logic (Master Matematica e Fisica A20-A26-A27, Discipline Logico-Matematiche ABDfs), University St. Camillus, Mnemosine, Rome

§  Mathematics Lecture Series, Maths Fan Online Lecture Series, Oxford University

§  Pre-Master’s Coursework in Mathematics-Physics (Audit Track):

o    Combinatorial Mathematics, Tsinghua University / EdX

o    Logic, Mechanics, and Mathematics, Stanford University / Edx

o    Computer Science, Princeton University / Coursera

·       Certificate in Medical Neuroscience, Duke University / Coursera  

·       Master in counseling in Neuroscience, UniPsi University of Turin (Università Popolare di Scienze della Salute Psicologiche e Sociali), Italy

§  Adviser: Prof. Dr. Ludovico Gastaldi, Università Popolare di Scienze della Salute Psicologiche e Sociali

§  Italian Presidency of the European Union

·       Certificates in Neuroscience/Psychiatry/Public Health, EdX / Harvard University / Harvard Medical School

·       Certificates in Neuropsychology / Cognitive Science, EdX / Cambridge University

·       Master in Neuropsychology, Psychotherapy and Cognitive Deficits (Master in Neuropsicologia, Psicoterapia e deficit cognitivi) Esneca Medicine & Science - Universidad CLEA / Universidad AMIII - Alfonso III el Magno, Madrid, Spain / Rome, Italy

§  Director: Don Eduardo Cancino Pere; Alejandro Truébano Fernández, Director de Certificación Académica DO

·       Diploma in Psychology, Alison Advanced Learning Interactive Systems Online, Galway, Ireland

·       Courses in Neuropsychology, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Psychological Assessment, and Psychodiagnostics (online), HT Center for Psychology, Cesena, Italy

·       Certificates in Psychology (ECMed) + Supervision, University of Verona School of Medicine

·       Certificate in Social Sciences, ENEA Institute Rome

·       Certificate in Art Assisted Therapies (AAT), NOUS Institute

·       Diploma, (BA/MA Equivalent “Diploma Vecchio Ordinamento” 5+1 Equipollente) Academy of Fine Arts of Verona, Summa Cum Laude, Verona, Italy

§  Advisers: Prof. Dr. Mauro Fiorese; Prof. Dr. Franco Spaliviero, Spec. Anatomical-surgical drawing, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Bologna

§  Academy of Fine Arts Prize 2007



·       CCV- Community College of Vermont, 2012-current: teaching courses in Natural / Social Sciences (Healthcare, Psychology, Human Growth and Development), Modern Languages, Arts/Visual Communication.

·       University of Vermont 2012-2022: Teaching courses in Medicine, Neuroscience, and Psychology in the following Departments: UVM Integrative Health (UVM College of Nursing and Health Science / UVM Larner College of Medicine / UVM Medical Center), UVM Dept. of Continuing and Distance Education, Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, UVM Department of Leadership & Developmental Sciences, Human Development and Family Studies Program

·       University of Sofia "St. Kliment Ohridski", 2017: Lecturer, Department of Philosophy

·       St. Michael's College, 2012: Adjunct Faculty Substitute, Department of Modern Languages / Italian;

·       Vermont Italian Club (VIC) at St. Michael’s College, 2011-2017; Vermont Italian Cultural Association (VICA) at St. Michael’s College (2023-2024) and Stern Center for language and Learning (2024-current)

·       CVU School Hinesburg, 2011-2017: German and Italian Language and Literature courses, Access Program

·       Academy of Fine Arts of Verona, 2006-2009, Adjunct Professor, Visual Arts, Photography

·       University of the Dolomitic Alps, 2007-2009, Lecturer, History and Linguistics


Teaching and Research Areas:

Psychology, Philosophy, Neuroscience, Medicine, Linguistics


Professional and Clinical Experience:

·       University of Vermont Program in Integrative Health, 2014-2022: Research Committee and Education Committee Member

·       University of Vermont Medical Center, 2011-2021: Psychologist-Psychotherapist / Group Therapist, Inpatient Psychiatry, Medical Center Campus

·       Howard Center, 2011-2017: Mental Health and Substance Abuse, MHSA Residential Counselor and Member of the Diversity Committee

·       University of Verona School of Medicine, 2008-2010, Expressive Arts Group Coordinator, Department of Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology, CSM – National Observatory of Outsider Art, Borgo Roma Hospital


Other Teaching experience – Lectures and Presentations:

·       University of Innsbruck (Austria)

·       Albrecht-Dürer-Museum, Nürnberg (Germany)

·       University of Trento - TSM (Italy)

·       Teachers' Federation of South Tyrol (Italy)

·       Archaeological Museum of Ostiglia (Italy)

·       Cultural Heritage Commission, Innsbruck (Austria)

·       Waldorf School of Verona (Italy)

·       Georgetown University School of Medicine (USA)

·       National Research University "Moscow Power Engineering Institute" MPEI (Russia)


LANGUAGES (written/spoken):  

English, Italian, German, Latin, Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian


Professional Affiliations and Academic Ranks:

·       International Academy of Sciences, San Marino (AIS) – ISD Member (Medicine, Psychotherapy, and Neuroscience)

·       Academy of Sciences of Rome (Accademia Tiberina), Italy – Full Ordinary Member

·       Vermont Academy of Arts and Sciences (VAAS), USA – Secretary

·       Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (Российская Академия Естествознания), Russia – Corresponding Member

·       Academy of Sciences of Siena (Accademia dei Fisiocritici), Italy – Corresponding Member

·       International Academy of Sciences, USA (IAS) – Senior Member

·       American Psychological Association (APA) – Associate Member (2011-2015); Community College Teacher Affiliate

·       Academic Consortium for Integrative Medicine & Health, USA, Member

·       Italian Psychological Association (AIPASS) – Associate Member

·       Pope Clement XI Foundation – Scientific Committee Member

·       Italian Society of Psycho-Oncology (SIPO) – Associate Member

·       State of Vermont (USA) Board of Psychological Examiners – Licensed Psychologist-Doctorate # 048.0134190

·       State of Vermont (USA) Board of Allied Mental Health Practitioners – Rostered Psychotherapist # 097.0124826

·       Center for Mental Health (CSM), Dept. of Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology, University of Verona School of Medicine (Italy, 2008 - 2010)

·       Interfaith Committee, Bozen-Brixen Diocese, South Tyrol (2004-2010)

·       National Observatory for Outsider Art (Italy, 2007-2010)

·       International Biennial Fair for Contemporary art KunStart (2009-2011)

·       Via Claudia Augusta Foundation / Giontech Archaeological Site, affiliated with Foundation Via Francigena, Postumia Optima Via and Museo Retico di San Zeno (Germany/Austria/Italy, 2007 - current)

·       Manifesta 7 - European Biennial of Contemporary Art (Italy / The Netherlands, 2007)

·       Member of the Cultural and Artistic Heritage Commission, Diocese of Verona (Italy, 2005-2010)


Other Honors and Awards:

·       South Tyrolean Honour Cross; Volunteer Firefighter 15-year Service; Landesverband der Freiwilligen Feuerwehren Südtirols Landesfeuerwehrschule – South Tyrol

·       Extraordinary Member Union Corps Saint Lazarus International - Germany/Austria

·       Diploma of Merit, National Association of Knights of the Italian Republic (Order of Merit of the Italian Republic), Monza

·       Member, Flamme des Friedens Habsburg-Lothringen, Austria

·       Order of Peter the Great (Орден Петра Великого), Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Russia

·       Member of Honor, Instituto Balear de la Historia, Spain

·       Member of the Interfaith Committee, Bozen-Brixen Diocese, South Tyrol

·       USA Delegate for the State of Vermont - Pope Clement XI Foundation

·       Honorary Citizen, City of Sabbioneta, Italy

·       Best Clinician “Bee Award” 2019, 2020, 2021 - University of Vermont Medical Center, USA

·       CCV Teaching Excellence Faculty Nomination 2018-2023 – Community College of Vermont, USA

·       Nominated for “Who's Who in America” - 2023


Medical Education / Training and Awards (Extract):


Certificates and Courses:

·       HP-Intensivkurs (Naturopathic Medicine Course), Dr. Kurt Steffens HP, Gabriele Ziegener, Munich, Germany

·       Certificate in Naturopathy and Macrobiotics, LifeLearning Milan

·       Restorative Medicine CME Certificates AARM

·       Benson-Henry Institute Stress Management and Resiliency Training (SMART), Massachussetts General Hospital / Harvard University

·       Heilpraktikerausbildung 24, (Naturopathic Medicine Program) Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany

·       Certificate NCIPH FIH Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine, University of Arizona, USA

·       Course certificate in Behavioral Medicine: a key to better health, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden

·       HPI – Heilpraktiker Instensivschule Trainer Demo (Naturopathic Medicine), Heilpraktikerschule München, Germany

·       Medication Administration Training, Howard Center, 2011-2017

·       Mental Health & Substance Abuse Residential Counselor Training / Courses, Howard Center, 2011-2017

Seminars and Clinical Training:

·       Naturopathy Training and Course, ITAVS Institute, Guatemala, C.A.

·       CTTRT Online certificate, University of Massachusetts Medical School

·       Vanderbilt University School of Medicine / Academic Consortium for Integrative Medicine & Health, CME certificates in Integrative Medicine

·       Advance Care Planning, Vermont Ethics Network

·       ProACT certification course, University of Vermont Medical Center, 2014-2021

·       MOAB certification course, University of Vermont Medical Center, 2011-2021

·       FAHC Learning & Development Courses (Crucial Conversations I & II, Crucial Confrontations)

·       Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Mindfulness PESI Seminars

·       Traditional European Medicine training, Dietfried Schonemann, MD, Klagenfurt, Austria 2006-2011



·       1992-1999 Vivaldi Music Institute, Bozen/Bolzano/Bulsan, South Tyrol, 7-year diploma program

·       1995-1999 Scientific Lyceum 'E. Torricelli', Bozen and 'L. Da Vinci', Trent

·       2003-2005 Collaboration with Teatro Nuovo/Teatro Stabile of Verona

·       2004-2005 Member of the Verona Theatre Ballet Company, coreographer: Sisina Augusta

·       2004-current Historical Project Director: Albrecht Dürer Weg, Germany/Italy

·       2007-current Director of CRAM / Nortades Südtiroler Volksuniversität



·       Martial Arts:

§  Taekwondo / Kickboxing: white, yellow, orange, green, blue, brown, black belt program at Zadra Fighting, South Tyrol

§  Ju-Jitsu: 2-year program Ju-Jitsu GoJU Laag, South Tyrol



Peer-reviewed Scientific Review Editor and/or Editorial Board Member:

·       Frontiers in Psychology - Health Psychology, Review Editor

·       Frontiers in Psychiatry - Digital mental Health, Reviewer

·       Frontiers in Psychology - Consciousness Research, Reviewer

·       Academia Biology - Reviewer

·       American Journal of Internal Medicine (AJIM)

·       Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment / Dove Medical Press

·       Sofia Philosophical Review's (SPhR) International

·       International Journal of Clinical Psychiatry and Mental Health

·       Filo JFTA Journal, New York

·       Global Advances in Health and Medicine (GAHM) / SAGE journals

·       International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Health & Well-being / Taylor & Francis

·       Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy, Springer


Publications available at:




 Official Youtube Channel:

 PubMed / NIH:

 Google Scholar:

 Scopus / Web of Science:


Main Books:

Tomasi, D. 2024. Psychotherapy: Essence, Experience, and Examination. Foreword to Adler, D. 2024. What we really need – Experiences of a psychoanalyst. New York, NY: Ibidem Verlag / Columbia University Press, Original: Adler, D. 2023. Was wir wirklich brauchen: Erfahrungen eines Psychoanalytikers. Stuttgart, D: Schattauer / Klett-Cotta Verlag

Tomasi, D. 2022. Orgasmo. Trilogy (I, II, III) Laag, Südtirol: Nortades

Tomasi, D. 2020. Critical Neuroscience and Philosophy. A Scientific Re-examination of the Mind-body Problem. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan

Tomasi, D. 2020. Mind-Body Medicine in Inpatient Psychiatry. New York, NY: Ibidem Verlag / Columbia University Press

Tomasi, D. 2016. Medical Philosophy. Philosophical Analysis of Patient Self-Perception in Diagnostics and Therapy. New York, NY: Ibidem Verlag / Columbia University Press

Marini, M.G., Tomasi, D. (contr.) 2018. Languages of Care in Narrative Medicine: Words, Space and Time in the Healthcare Ecosystem. New York, NY: Springer

Goddard, C., 2018. Minimal English for a Global World. Christian, D., Farrelly, N., Maley, W., Marini, M.G., Mooney, A., Peeters, B., Torkki J., Vanhatalo, U., Wesley, M., Wierzbicka A., Tomasi, D. (contr. - Linguistics interface: applying the Natural Semantic Metalanguage to Narrative Medicine). Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan

Trockner, L., Dehò, V., Tomasi, D., Stricker, N., Salghetti Drioli, G., Morocutti, M., Volfovska, J.  2010. KunStart. Catalogue, Bozen, I: International Art Fair of Bozen/Bolzano/Bulsan.

Fiorese, M., and Tomasi, D. 2007. MYST - mistica e mistero di una collezione fotografica. Deutschmetz/Mezzocorona, I: CRAMtemporaneaPhotographia,

Vincenzi, A., Brusco, T., Angiari, M., Cinquetti, R., Perucchetti, C., Tomasi, D. and Zoppi, P. 2007. Spazioarte Pisanello: 10 Anni. Verona, I: Fondazione Toniolo


Main Interviews available at:

New York Times, NBC News, CBS, Wall Street Journal, ABC, Fox News, BBC, RAI, Newsweek, CBC, ORF, Neuroscience News, NDTV, ZDF, France 24.

Main Peer-reviewed Papers, Articles, and Presentations:

Krumov, K., van der Veer, K., Schneider, J., Liu, J., Krumova, A., Tomasi, D., Widodo, E., Gungov, A., Juhasz, M., Garvanova, M., Kumar, S., Marinova, K., 2025. Coping Processes Among Asians and Europeans During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross-Cultural Case Study. London, UK: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. Current Research in Review

Tomasi, D. 2024. Neuropsychology. Neurological Basis, Clinical Evaluation, and Assessment. Moscow, Ru: MPEI University / Национальный исследовательский университет «МЭИ» in: XII Всероссийская конференция и ХXII Всероссийская школа-семинар / "Интеграция университетов России в мировое образовательное и научное пространство с учетом региональных особенностей" (Ru / Eng)

Krumov, K., van der Veer, K., Schneider, J., Liu, J., Krumova, A., Tomasi, D., Widodo, E., Gungov, A., Juhasz, M., Garvanova, M., Kumar, S., Marinova, K., 2025. Influence of Age on Coping Across Cultures During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Current Research

Murins, S., Herz, R., Noguera, I.B.D.R., Müller, K.-M., Tomasi, D., Gungov, A., Blumbergs, I., 2024 ODES - Olfactory Digital Emotional System. Grant Research Proposal. EIC Pathfinder Grant - European Innovation Council, current research.

Tomasi, D. 2024. From the unconscious to the unknown. Foreword to Adler, D. 2024. The Missing Manual. Das Handbuch der weniger bekannten und unbekannten Psychotherapeutischen Interventionen.. Stuttgart, D: Schattauer / Klett-Cotta Verlag

Tomasi, D., 2024. Applicazioni dell’Arte Terapia in ambito psichiatrico e psicologico a sostegno dell’intervento clinico. Giornale Italiano di Arteterapia (GIA) - ISSN  1126-2559; CISAT - Edizioni dell’Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Napoli “Nuove Lettere” (Ita)

Eble J.M., Di Camillo J.A., Colosi P.J., Accad M., Broussard K., Feser E., Tomasi D., Travaline J., Vizcarrondo F., Waldstein M., Widow J. (…) 2024. Catholic Unity on Brain Death and Organ Donation. A Call to Action, 02(27)

Tomasi, D. 2023. Transgender Ideology Literature in Elementary Schools: An Open Letter from a Professor, Researcher, and Psychologist. Sofia, BG: Sofia Philosophical Review 15(2) (Eng)

Tomasi, D. 2022. Between empirical evidence and theoretical frameworks. The concept of Free Will at the intersection of philosophical understanding, psychological analysis, and neural correlates. Moscow, Ru: MPEI University / Национальный исследовательский университет «МЭИ» in: XI Всероссийская конференция с международным участием «Энергосбережение – теория и практика» (Ru / Eng)

Tomasi, D., Bailey, A., Mehta, A., Shah, D., and Crouch, K. 2022. Art Therapy and CBT-based clinical workshops to enhance resilience in children, families, and caregivers. Bennington, VT: Proceedings of the Vermont Academy of Arts and Sciences LVII(II) (Eng)

Tomasi, D. 2022. Embodied Cognition and Emotional Intelligence: A brief discussion. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University / EdX -2122EDX012 – The Psychology of Emotions. An introduction to embodied cognition. (Eng)

Catania, K.S., Tomasi, D. 2021. What the nose knows. Neuroscience at UVM. Burlington, VT: University of Vermont (Eng)

Tomasi, D., Bailey, A., Avni, M., Shah, D., Crouch, K. 2022. Enhancing Resilience through Art and CBT Concepts. Vermont Center for Children, Youth, and Families - VCCYF. Current Research DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.36009.52326 (Eng)

Girardi-Ruele, E., Tomasi, D., et al. 2022. Ze Lage. Mein Dorf. Bozen, Südtirol, I: Bildungsausschuss Laag (Ger)

Tomasi, D. 2022. Brief comparative analysis of the languages and dialects of the Tyrolean alpine area (Nortades / Rotalian - Part 1 & 2) Crompond, NY: Filò JFTA 20(22). 15-18 (Eng)

Tomasi, D., et al. 2022. Considerazioni linguistico-storiche sul dialetto di Laghetti, Südtirol, I: Bildungsausschuss Laag (Ita)

Atherly, A., Tomasi, D., Audi, L., Porter, J., Feldman-Hunt, C., Crouch, K. 2022. The Effect of Integrated Pain Management Using Complementary and Alternative Medicine on Quality of Life and Life Function for Individuals with Long-Term Chronic Pain. UVM Medical Center Comprehensive Pain Program. Current Research, 

Tomasi, D. 2022. A comparative analysis of the languages and dialects of the Tyrolean alpine area. Crompond, NY: Filò JFTA 24(6). 17-23

Avery, S., Celley, A., Cho, J., Donoghue, R., Goodrich, B., Rose, G., Tomasi, D., and Westervelt, K. Employee Wellbeing Program in University and Hospital Employees: A Pilot Study. Burlington, VT: UVMMC / University of Vermont

Tomasi, D 2022. Between empirical evidence and theoretical frameworks: The concept of free will at the intersection of philosophical understanding, psychological analysis, and neural correlates. Moscow, RU: National Research University "Moscow Power Engineering Institute" (MPEI) / Национальный исследовательский университет «МЭИ» - International Conference

Atherly, A., Tomasi, D., Audi, L., Porter, J., Feldman-Hunt, C., Crouch, K. 2022. The Effect of Integrated Pain Management Using Complementary and Alternative Medicine on Quality of Life and Life Function for Individuals with Long-Term Chronic Pain. UVM Medical Center Comprehensive Pain Program.

Tomasi, D., Ferris, H., Booraem, P., Enman, L., Gates, S., and Reyns, E. 2021. Olfactory Virtual Reality (OVR) for Wellbeing and Reduction of Stress, Anxiety and Pain. Journal of Medical Research and Health Sciences, 4(3), 1212−1221,

Tomasi, D. 2021. Activation of Ventromedial prefrontal and medial orbitofrontal cortex in rational-moral judgement for integrative medical-psychotherapeutic practices. Burlington, VT: UVM IHS 401, Topics and Measurement in Interprofessional Health Sciences - Presentation 

Bailey, A., Mehta, A., Shah, D., Tomasi, D. (2021 Current project Workgroup). Art Therapy group session for adolescent 12-to14-year-old population with depression/anxiety. Burlington, VT: University of Vermont Medical Center - UVM Larner College of Medicine, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Fellowship Program

Tomasi, D. 2021. Did my brain make me do it? New perspectives from neuroscience, psychology, and medicine on the Mind-Body Problem. Burlington, VT: UVM Honors College- Presentation

Tomasi, D., Booraem, P., Enman, L., Gates, S., and Reyns, E. 2020. Olfactory Virtual Reality (OVR) for Wellbeing and Reduction of Stress, Anxiety and Pain. Burlington, VT: UVMMC --- Current Research (Eng)

Tomasi, D. 2020. Coronavirus disease (COVID-19). A socioepidemiological review. Bennington, VT: Proceedings of the Vermont Academy of Arts and Sciences – VAAS

Webb, S., and Tomasi, D. 2020. Human Gastrointestinal Microbiota and Neural Activity: Effects of Probiotics on Mental and GI Health. Journal of Medical Research and Health Sciences, 3(9), 1070-1076,

Tomasi, D. 2020. Nociceptive Pathways, Sensitivity, and Self-Perception: Applying Motivational Interviewing (MI) Techniques in Pain Management. Burlington, VT: UVM IH Integrative Pain Management Conference

Tomasi, D. 2020. Neurological, Digestive, and Nephrological Emergencies in Pediatric Medicine. Madrid, E: Esneca / UCCUyo 

Tomasi, D. 2020. Motivational Interviewing (MI) Techniques In Early Childhood Special Education: Theoretical Frameworks and Neural Underpinnings. Burlington, VT: UVM Implementation Science in Early Childhood Special Education

Marcus M, and Tomasi, D. 2020. Emotional and Cognitive Responses to Academic Performance and Grade Anxiety. Journal of Medical Research and Health Sciences, 3(4), 919-925.

Tomasi, D. 2020. Anterior Cingulate Cortex (ACC) and μ-opioid receptors (MOR): a dialogue between free will, responsibility, and mental health. Williston, VT: NAMI - National Alliance on Mental Illness

Catania, K.S., Tomasi, D. 2019. Mind Over Medicated. University of Vermont, 2019

Tomasi, D. 2019. Ancient Echoes and Modern Evidence: New Frontiers in Integrative Medicine. Washington, DC: Georgetown University School of Medicine

Tomasi, D., Gates, S., and Reyns, E. 2019. Positive patient response to a structured exercise program delivered in inpatient psychiatry. Global Advances in Health and Medicine / SAGE Publications 8,

Tatta, J., Tomasi, D. 2019. Developing Exercise & Nutrition Programs For Mental Wellbeing. New York, NY: Integrative Pain Science Institute.

Tomasi, D. 2019. Motivational Interviewing for Physical Therapy. Burlington VT: Fall Education Conference for the Vermont Chapter of the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA)

Tomasi, D. 2018. Mind-Body Medicine in Inpatient Psychiatry settings. Burlington, VT: UVMMC

Gates S., Enman L., Tomasi, D. 2019. Technology-based interventions for safety and cost-effectiveness improvement in inpatient psychiatry. Burlington, VT: UVMMC --- Current Research (Eng)

Louis, I., Schlenther, I., Lahoti, S., Tomasi, D. 2019. Implementing cultural awareness/sensitivity in inpatient psychiatry. Burlington, VT: UVMMC --- Current Research (Eng)

Tomasi, D. 2018. South Tyrol. The Horrific Choices. Crompond, NY: Filò JFTA 20(19). 32-34

Tomasi, D., Gates, S., 2018. Enhancing Motivation for Exercise in an Inpatient Psychiatric Population. Burlington, VT: UVMMC (Eng)

Tomasi, D. 2017. Mind-Body Medicine strategies to improve clinical outcomes in inpatient psychiatry settings. Universidad Azteca UCN (Eng / Ger)

Tomasi, D. 2017. Therapeutic Improvement to increase group attendance. Standardization and optimization of group schedules on inpatient psychiatry units. Burlington, VT: Fletcher Allen Health Care (Eng)

Tomasi, D. 2018. A Family History. Crompond, NY: Filò JFTA 15(17). 24-25

Tomasi, D. 2012. Review: Statistical Analysis Model of the Inpatient Psychiatry UVM Business School Students' Report. Burlington, VT: Fletcher Allen Health Care (Eng) 

Tomasi, D. 2015. Медицинска философия. Философски анализ на себевъзприятието на пациента в диагностиката и лечението. Sofia, BG: University of Sofia St. Kliment Ohridski – Summary (Bul)

Tomasi, D. 2015. Wishful thinking, hope, and placebo. Exploring the connections between religion and medicine beyond illusion, delusion, and ideation. Sofia, BG: Sofia Philosophical Review 9(1) (Eng)

Tomasi, D. 2013. Neurophilosophical aspects of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Mindfulness: A comparative epistemological analysis. Burlington, VT: Fletcher Allen Health Care (Eng)

Tomasi, D. 2012. Self-image and academic achievement: a progressive phronesis approach. Sofia, BG: University of Sofia St. Kliment Ohridski (Eng)

Mujkanović, L; Tomasi, D. 2012. Review: Gastrointestinal Conditions and Diseases - Assessments and Treatments. Burlington, VT: : Fletcher Allen Health Care (Eng)

Tomasi, D. 2011. Eine theoretische Analyse von Spiegelneuronen im Zusammenhang mit Neuroplastizität und erlerntem Verhalten. Trient, I: CRAM (Ger/Ita) 

Tomasi, D. 2010. Synecdoche. A multidisciplinary approach to psychiatric disorders among ethnocultural minorities.  Psychiatry Ad Hoc PhD Thesis proposal. Montréal, QC: McGill University

Tomasi, D. 2009. La corteccia visiva: teoria della percezione e arte terapia. Verona, I: CSM 3rd Area Psychiatric Service (Ita)

Tansella, M; Tomasi, D. 2009. Integrative Approaches to Psychiatric Treatment: The Verona Mental Health Centre CSM (Centro Salute Mentale). CRAM - Südtiroler Volksuniversität 2(10) (Ger / Ita)

Tomasi, D. 2008. Drzøhlung / Contija. Wien, A:  Lila Kulturmagazin Wien. (Ger)

Tomasi, D. 2005. Il problema della sensibilità. CRAM - Südtiroler Volksuniversität 56(4) (Ger / Ita)

Tomasi, D. 2005. SynBallein (0+1=2). CRAM - Südtiroler Volksuniversität 14(5) (Ger / Ita)

Tomasi, D. 2004. Josef Zotti. Das komplette Werk. Verona, I:  Accademia di Belle Arti Cignaroli. (Ger / Ita)

Tomasi, D. 2003. Simbologia dell’arto inferiore. Verona, I:  ABAVr. 5(1), (2003) (Ita)

Tomasi, D. 2003. Il mito di Narciso nei suoi significati simbolici. Verona, I:  Accademia di Belle Arti Cignaroli. (Ita)

Tomasi, D. 2002. Riflessologia e Agopuntura nell’arto inferiore. Verona, I:  ABAVr. (Ita)

Tomasi, D. 2002. Anatomia - Osteologia dell'Arto Inferiore. CRAM - Südtiroler Volksuniversität 8(3) (Ger / Ita)

Tomasi, D. 2002. Iconografia dell'arto inferiore in relazione all'atteggiamento e al gesto. Verona, I:  ABAVr. (Ita)

Tschoeke, J., Rossi, H., Pedri, B., and Tomasi, D. 1998. Albrecht-Dürer-Weg (Dürerweg) Südtirol. Nürnberg, D: Albrecht-Dürer-Haus (Ger)

As an artist, Tomasi worked in Europe and abroad in theatres, museums and private/public institutions such as Teatro Cristallo Bolzano, Galleria Civica d'arte Contemporanea di Trento, MART Rovereto, Festival OrienteOccidente Rovereto, Bevilacqua La Masa Venice, Centro Internazionale della Grafica Venice, Teatro Città di Conegliano, Centro Internazionale Studi d'Architettura Palladio Vicenza, Teatro Antonianum Padua, Galleria San Fedele Milan, Festival Ritracciarti Mantua, Artissima Turin, PAN Naples, Manifesta 7 the Netherlands/Italy, VAC Ventabren France, Fleming Museum at UVM, Burlington, VT, USA. He won grants and prizes like: Cariverona Foundation University Grant, Best Young Artist Prize - Toniolo Foundation, Biennial of Mantova - MAM, One_Hop Extrart - RAI Jury Prize, Best Artist Prize - Councillorship for Culture and Arts, Govt. of the Region Veneto. He currently lives and works in the USA.


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