Curriculum Vitæ -Artistic Resume only
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Acad. Prof. Dr. David Låg Tomasi, DSc HC, PhD, EdD-PhD, MMed, MA, MCS, AAT
visual arts
conferences and workshops
visual arts:
Please visit Science & Medicine Sections
David Tomasi at PechaKucha Show, curated by Janie Cohen, UVM Fleming Museum, Burlington, VT
David Tomasi at Dissezioni, curated by Marco Ambrosi, Officina delle Nuvole, Verona
David Tomasi at KunStart Biennial of Modern and Contemporary Art, curated by Valerio Dehò, Marina Morocutti, Giovanni Salghettiu-Drioli, Bozen
David Tomasi Solo Show, curated by Hannes Egger, Werkbank, Lana (Bz), Italy, august 14th/15th
Låg, Exhibition, Laag bei Neumarkt (Bz) - Autonomous Province of Bolzano/Bozen, december 27th
Opening Majakovskij Gallery, curated by Riccardo Fai, Camilla Bertani, Maria Assunta Karini and Pio Quinto, with Tim Burton, Chris Cunningham, Maya Deren, Friedrich Ermler, Michel Gondry, Hartistika, Mathieu Kassovitz, Vladimir V. Majakovskij, Veronica Marchi, Giammarco Martelloni, Marco Ongaro, Matteo Quinto, Evgenij Slavinskij, Juan Solanas, Todd Solondz, David Tomasi and Andy Warhol, Verona, Italy, december 11th-12th-13th
Festival della Creatività, Firenze, october 23rd-26th
ArtVerona, International Contemporary Art Fair, Verona, october 16th-18th
Turn, Torino Capitale Mondiale del design, Torino, october 10th-13th
4° Giornata Nazionale del Contemporaneo AMACI, Michela Pedron Solo Show, curated by David Tomasi, CRAM, october 4th
VrBan terZoo, Festival, Verona september 10th-13th
Adunata del Contemporaneo by Scalacolore, Bassano d/G, 6 settembre
AltraRete @ Manifesta 7, exhibition and conferenze, CRAM, august 31st
'I'm so free', exhibition and performance, produced by AltraRete for Manifesta7, curated by Francesca Cristellotti, Hannes Egger, Stefano Giovanazzi and David Tomasi, with the support of LookFwd, Ost West CulturClub, Autonomous Province Bozen/Bolzano and Comune di Merano, special guest RAM collective – Akademie Graz, Werkbank, Lana (Bz), august 8th-9th
The Best of Photography: Trento ASA, exhibition, curated by Matteo De Stefano, Mezzolombardo (Tn), Italy, july 23rd
The Rocky Mountain People Show: musical My Barbarian PoLAAT, Trento, july 20th
'Manifesta 7', Contemporary art Biennale, curated by: Adam Budak, Anselm Franke + Hila Peleg, Raqs Media Collective, Trentino-Südtirol, july 19th - november 2nd
'Friedrichshöhe 2008', exhibition + performance, Berlino
JustMarried @ Bastioni Città di Nimes, Verona, july 4th
ITER by Scalacolore, exhibition, TECA Verona, july 3rd-6th
'L'Ospite', exhibition for Manifesta 7, produced by AltraRete and curated by Francesca Cristellotti, Stefano Giovanazzi, Giorgio Loner and David Tomasi. Invited artists: Hannes Egger, Luca Quartana, Maria Salvati and Scalacolore, Merano, june 6th
'Just Married IV', exhibition+live performance, curated by David Tomasi and Alex Mastini, Accademia Cignaroli, TECA/Girondini Arte Contemporanea, Verona, may 23rd
'RedBook', Exhibition: Amaranta, Bertucco, Bressan, Bussola, Compri, Cristini, Dal Fior, Danzi, Dentamaro, Facchin, Facco, Finotti, Kapula, Lorenzoni, Mancino, Miccini, Olivieri, Ruggeri, Tagetto, Tarasco, Tinto, Tomasi, Torreggiani, curated by Luigi Marastoni, RedZone, San Giorgio di Valpolicella (Vr), may 3rd
'Personale', solo show by David Tomasi + presentation of the books by Francesco Bonami and Angela Vettese, Autonomous Province of Bolzano/Bozen, Endidae, Egna/Neumarkt (Bz), april 22nd
'JustMarried III', exhibition+live performance, curated by David Tomasi and Alex Mastini, TECA/Girondini Arte Contemporanea, Verona, march 14th
'MeRo: Manifesta 7', Salone Imperiale, Mendelpass (Tn/Bz), video '0+1=2' by David Tomasi, curated by Giorgio Loner and Stefano Giovanazzi, january 26th
'Just-married II', exhibition+live performance, curated by David Tomasi, with Alessia Carli, Jessica Gagliardi, Alex Mastini Sarah Mutinelli, Erik Righetti, Alexander Robotnick, Francesco Ronzon, Matteo De Stefano, David Tomasi, Vj Hash, Daniela Webber, Elisa Zeni, Zstone, TECA/Girondini Arte Contemporanea, Verona, january 25th
'10 years Spazioarte Pisanello', Group exhibition, curated by Maurizio Angiari, Rosabianca Cinquetti and David Tomasi, Verona, November 30th
'Just-married', exhibition+live performance, introducing David Tomasi new installation: > Ap_6,1-8 #, TECA/Girondini Arte Contemporanea, Verona, november 16th
RintracciArti 2007: Autart/Artefutura, Follia Gentile, Festival and exhibition, produced by Provincia di Mantova, Repubblica Italiana – Ministero della Società Sociale, MiBAC, Palazzo della Ragione + Spazio Zero, Mantua, november 16th
'Giovani idee cambiano l'Italia: Giovani energie rinnovabili', MART+CRAM, curated by Flavia Fossa Margutti and David Tomasi, MART, Rovereto, october 19th
'ArtVerona 2007', Outsider Art Section : 'Bestiario', curated by Daniela Rosi e Luca Santiago Mora, International Fair of Contemporary art, Verona, october 18th-22nd
CRAM @ La giornata del Contemporaneo, 'MYST - Mystic and Mystery of a photographic collection', curated by Mauro Fiorese and David Tomasi for CRAMtemporanea_Photographia, authors: Paul Strand, Seba Pavia, Rosanna Salonia, Keith Carter, Jerry Uelsmann, Mario Giacomelli, Joachim Froese, Oyvind Hjelmen, Mauro Fiorese, Andrea Perotti, Ken Rosenthal, Michael Kenna, Beniamino Terraneo, Sirio Magnabosco, Elaine Ling, Andrew Miksys, Joel Peter Witkin, Federico Padovani, Bruce West, Steve Simon, October 6th - November 6th
CRAM @ La giornata del Contemporaneo, Image curated by Maurizio Cattelan, october 6th
CRAM: Il problema della sensibilità, curated by David Tomasi, august 31st - september 1st/2nd
Greta Frau: Il Ritratto, curated by Orietta Berlanda, Galleria Civica di Arte Contemporanea, Trento, july 27th-september 6th
‘ArtsxWorld 2007' - group exhibition, Benevento – Napoli - Rome - Montreal, col patrocinio di: Comune di Telese Terme, Provincia di Benevento, Regione Campania, Facoltà di architettura di Napoli, con: Carla Accardi, Karin Andersen, Lidia Bachis, Vanessa Beecroft, Saturno Buttò, Tommaso Cascella, Loredana Cacucciolo, Robert Carroll, Lucio Del Pezzo, Bruno Donzelli, Lello Esposito, Stefania Fabrizi, Michelangelo Galliani, Omar Galliani, Giuliano Ghelli, Cleonice Gioia, Simone Lammardo, Marco Lodola, Renato Mambor, Tomaso Marcolla, Enrico Manera, LucaMatti, Mimmo Paladino, Luisa Raffaelli, Marco Samore, Antonio Tamburro e David Tomasi, july 5th-30th
90° Giro d'Italia, official postcard by David Tomasi, curated by Antonio Scaglia, Roma - Trento, may 27th
Birth of Post: 500 years - Official Presentation: Italian Post Cancellation by David Tomasi, may 4th
'OneHop.A', VideoMobileContest, Extrart - RAI media, San Benedetto del Tronto (AP), January 22nd: David Tomasi Winner of the Jury Prize
'Artista In_Formato 2006', Group Exhibition, CIG - Centro Internazionale della Grafica, Venezia, December16th
Artissima13 - International Fair of Contemporary Art, Turin, curated by Diana Marrone, November 10th-11th-12th
'Vrban-Spazi da legare' and 'Assonanze artistiche', invitation performance, Curated by Sebastiano Zanetti nd Stefano Caceffo, Verona, Juny 15th-16th-16th, Exhibition until october 2006
"Eros-alterità", multimedia-exhibition, Curated by Francesca Postighel, L'Officina Nuovo Spazio Arte, Trento, may 18th-21st
Introducing 'David Tomasi - Premio ArtiVisive San Fedele', Curators: Stefano Pirovano and Matteo Galbiati, San Fedele Gallery, Milan, february 16th
'Venezia Viva - Artista In_formato', Venice, Centro Internazionale della Grafica, february 11th
· Performance '0+1=2 - Synballein', Centro Arte Contemporanea Cavalese (Tn), Curated by Orietta Berlanda, 0ctober 15th and november 13th
· Solo Exhibition ‘Spectator', Biblioteca Civica di Rovereto ‘Tartarotti' – MART, Rovereto (Tn), Curators: Daniela Rosi and Mario Liberali, december 21st
· ‘Natus est', exhibition, Spazioarte Pisanello, Curators: Rosabianca Cinquetti and Maurizio Angiari, december 23rd
· Premio Gamvino 2004, Winner of the Jury Trophy, Preganziol (Tv)
· ‘Epifanie', Group exhibition ‘Paiola, Piazzi, Stocco, Tarocco, Tomasi', 10th december – 14th february
· 'David_Tomasi@Nausikaa', Solo Exhibition, Curated by Sebastiano Zanetti, Verona, october 15th
· IV Biennale Postumia Giovani 2004, Group exhibition, MAM Gazoldo d/I (Mn), Curators: Paola Artoni, Adriano Castelli, antonella Gandini and Renzo Margonari, september 25th
· Arte Giovane 2004, Group exhibition, curated by Alessandra Molon, Arsenale di Verona, september
· Winner of the Prize 'Archivio Meloni-Fondazione Cariverona'; Workshop withGiovanni Meloni, Enrico Sgarbi, Giovanni Daolio, Cuoghi & Corsello, Giuseppe Restano, Michele Bertolini
· Winner of the ‘Borsa di Studio Accademia Cignaroli'
· 'Nostalgigrafie', Solo exhibition, 'Endidae', Neumarkt (Bz), curated by Betty Sandner
· 'Gli Spazi dell'arte', Side Specific Performance ‘David Tomasi@Quattro Quadri' + Group exhibition: David Tomasi, Laurina Paperina, Monica Tarocco, Stefano Buro, Chiara Zizioli, Johanna Pfeifer, Sebastiano Zanetti, Gennaro Mungivera and Loris Oberrauch , Curated by Maurizio Taioli, Caserma Cacciatori, Peschiera del Garda (Vr)
· 'Abu Dhabi International Exhibition', International Art Fair in Abu Dhabi, Saudi Arabia
· Solo exhibition 'Mærz 2004', Maschin, Bolzano
· 'OUTSIDER ART:Carte-Percorso di Pittura', Group exhibition at Ex-Macello (Vr), Curated by Daniela Rosi, Produced by ‘Centro Franca Martini' - Trento and 'Vicolo Terese' – Verona, Dal Negro editions
· 'Dürers Wanderweg', Group exhibition in Cembra (Tn) and Salurn (Bz), Curated by Armando De Zambotti and Jutta Tschoeke for Albrecht Dürer Haus, Nürnberg (D)
· 'Il Cuore', performance and Group exhibition in the Juliet's House, Verona
· 'Collettiva_04', Gallery Mondo Arte - arte contemporanea, Group exhibition, Bussolengo, Verona
· Solo exhibition 'Lettere di Nostalgia', Winner of the Proposta Giovani Artisti 2003, Curators: Rosabianca Cinquetti and Maurizio Angiari, Galleria Spazioarte Pisanello, Fondazione Toniolo, Verona
· 'Le pietre della Basilica', Photography at the CISA Palladio (Centro Internazionale Studi Architettura), Vicenza (exhibition and catalogue)
· Performance 'ArtediLuna', Vinitaly, Verona
· Solo exhibition and Performance 'Kalli Graphia', Expo' Café, Acc. Cignaroli, Verona
· 'Poesia Primavera 2003', Group exhibition, Accademia Cignaroli, Verona
· Group exhibition 'La persona centro del progetto', ARS, Verona
· Group exhibition 'CTCG', Assessorato alla Cultura di Verona
theatre – movie – performance
· Film 'Albrecht Dürer', by Georg Penn, produced by RAI-ZDF
• "Shady Oat amusement", performance with Michael Fliri, curated by Fabio Cavallucci and Cristina Natalicchio, Galleria Civica di arte contemporanea di Trento - Pie' di Castello, Halloween, october 31st, for " The Rocky Mountain People Show": Carlos Amorales & Carla Fernandez, AVAF – Assume Vivid Astro Focus, John Bock, Olaf Breuning, Paul McCarthy & Benjamin Weissman, Jonathan Meese, My Barbarian, Marinella Senatore + Special Guests
• Musical "Rocky Mountain People Show II", music by PoLAAT and David Tomasi, curated by Francesca Piersanti, produced with the support of Laboratorio Anta, Galleria Civica di Arte Contemporanea, Trento, october 21st
• "The Triumph of Goodness" performance with Brian Getnick, International Prize for Performance, IV edizione, curated by Fabio Cavallucci and Cristina Natalicchio, Manifesta7 Parallel event, Official Jury: Gian Marco Montesano, Carlo Antonelli (director of “Rolling Stone” Italy), Helena Kontova (Co-director of “Flash Art”), Catherine Wood (curator at the London Tate Modern), Franco Oss Noser (director of the Santa Chiara in Trento) and Fabio Cavallucci , Teatro Sociale di Trento, october 11th
• "Post Paradise: Never say sorry again" musical My Barbarian + PoLAAT for "The Rocky Mountain People Show", curated by Fabio Cavallucci and Cristina Natalicchio, Trento, july 20th, Manifesta7 Parallel event
· Babelgum Filmfestival / Festival de Cannes, MART Official Video, curated by Denise Cattani, Gianpiero Mendini, Antonio Longo and David Tomasi, produced by MART, CRAM, Latocreativo, Mezzocorona-Rovereto-Cannes, february 15th
· 'MeRo: Manifesta 7', Salone Imperiale, Mendelpass (Tn/Bz), video '0+1=2' by David Tomasi, curated by Giorgio Loner and Stefano Giovanazzi, january 26th
• Theater.Concert.Performance ‘Via Clavdia Avgvsta: Journey cross the Borderline', by David Tomasi, Teatro Cristallo, Bozen, Stagione/Saison 2007 2008: Margherita Hack, Letizia Quintavalle, Moni Ovadia, David Tomasi, Paolo Poli, Carlo Giuffré, Dario Fo e Franca Rame, Sergej Bobrov, Andrea Brambilla, Vincenzo Salemme, september 22nd
• Teatro Minimo- Palazzo Tè, Mantua, curated by Daniela Rosi, september
• Identità - Palazzo Bottagisio, Villafranca di Verona, curated by cJara Bombana and Carlotta Specchierla, september 8th-9th and 15th-16th
• Performance ‘SynBallein (0+1=2) @ Complessità: l'origine dell'estetica ', MART Rovereto, produced by MART, Trento School of Management and Oriente Occidente, with Vittorio Gallese, Pino di Buduo, Raimondo Guarino, Giuseppe O. Longo, Alfonso Maurizio Iacono, Mario De Caro, Luigi Boccanegra, Sergio Manghi, Ugo Morelli, Telmo Pievani, Felice Cimatti, Maurizio Forte, Carla Weber, Pao_Nais_Pus_Ivan – PAC Milano, Renato Spagnoli, Fabrizio Pallara, On-Berlin, Mac4, Massimo Munaro, june 15th
• Video 'LC_01', a shortfilm by David Tomasi, produced by Lato Creativo_NewMediaStudio, with C. Cramerotti and W. Trentini
· 'National Instruments: A ritual Mystery', collaboration to the performance by Külli K. Kaats, Final evening of the International Prize for Performance, Curated by: Valie Export, Umberto Angelini, Stefan Bindner, Ann Demeester, Rodrigo Garcia, Massimiliano Gioni, Barbara Boninsegna, Franco Oss Noser and Fabio Cavallucci Drodesera>Centrale Fies, Dro (Tn), september 29th
· Cut-up: Live set_Pasolini/electronics for 'Traffic Zone', together with Bevilacqua La Masa - Galleria Civica di Arte Contemporanea_Trento - Opera Universitaria_Trento, Curated by Orietta Berlanda, november 10th
· Performance ‘0+1=2', for the event ‘Fantasticamente – I contrari', Centro Arte Contemporanea Cavalese (Tn), Curated by Orietta Berlanda, october 15th and November 13th, in occasion of‘Across – contemporary art', a network of cultural institutions and museums for modern and contemporary art in Tyrol, South Tyrol and Trentino.
· Performance ‘Synballein', with Aurora Mischi, Premio Internazionale della Performance - 'Galleria dell'Amore' of Marina Abramovic , Curated by Barbara Boninsegna and Fabio Cavallucci with Orietta Berlanda, Denise Cattani, Mariella Rossi, Tommaso Pasquini, Raffaele Macrì, dino Sommadossi e Marco Tomasini, Galleria Civica d'Arte Contemporanea, Trento, July 7th
· 'La vita fiorisce in ogni stagione', Performance forA.I.S.M., Camploy Theater, Verona, July 1st
· ‘Libertas_05', Dance-theater performance, Cinema Teatro Alcione, Verona, may 29th
· ‘Via Crucis in città' performance with Teatro Nuovo, C. S. Augusta and Telepace, Verona march 18th
· ‘Romeo e Giulietta – L'amore dei vinti', Theater–pièce with accademia Cignaroli and conservatorio Dall'Abaco, David Tomasi: Romeo, Grazia Paola Salatino: Juliet, Teatro Nuovo, Verona, march 18th
· ‘VeronaInLove', performance with Roberto Vandelli, Quartetto Maffei, Compagnia Sisina Augusta, Foyer T.N., Verona, february 12th
· ‘Pulsazioni', performance presented by AVIS Verona, Camploy Theater, December 14th
· VinoDolce, performance with the Compagnia S. Augusta, Cantine Armani, Dolcè (Vr), December 11th
· Live Tv-Show on RaiUtile, ‘Monopoli-Arte Irregolare', (M. R. Parsi, D. Rosi, D. Tomasi, B. Tosatti), Rome, novembre 12th
· Performance ‘Via Crucis', Palazzo della Gran Guardia (Vr), novembre 19th
· Video ‘Te Quiero – Maria', RUN Multimedia-Scarlet, September 21st
· Performance ‘Incomunicabilità (0+1=2)', Arsenale di Verona, september 2nd
· Salain, performance with the Compagnia S. Augusta, S. Mauro in Saline (Vr), July 24th
· '7 note per 7 bambini' theater-piece at the Teatro Accademia of Conegliano Veneto (Tv), project by G. Fabris, directed by S. Augusta, piano player Maestro Vince Tempera
· Shortfilm 'Il Sorriso', directed by M. Morocutti, production FuoriAula-Unicorto
· 'Via Crucis' performance at the cathedral of Verona, with the Compagnia Sisina Augusta, directed by Paolo Valerio
• 'Liberté de la mémoire', Teamwork for the Innocente Performance, with Emanuele Benedetti, Le Ballet Preljocaj (danseurs: Leonardo Centi, Toshiko Oiwa, Thomas Michaux, Samir El Yammi; musicien: Nicolas Cante; choréographie:Emilio Calcagno), V.A.C., Ventabren (F), curator: Julien Blaine, march 7th
· 'Il sogno di Ulisse', shortfilm by Alberto Rizzi and Lorenzo Pagani, with Lorenzo Pagani, Mirko Massalongo and Aurora Mischi, coreography by Sisina Augusta
· 'Ulisse - la via della conoscenza', theater-piece at the Teatro Nuovo, together with the Conservatorio 'E. F. Dall'Abaco' and the ‘Accademia Cignaroli'
· Film 'In love with Death', by Roger Fratter, produced by RAI Trade
· 'Tra le pagine di… Tutti i racconti del Mistero, dell'Incubo e del Terrore', theater-piece produced with 'L'Arena', Presentation of the Official Italian Translation of the book by Edgar Allan Poe, curated by Gabriele La Porta, Foyer Teatro Nuovo, Verona
· 'MAC3ETH - La vita non è che un'ombra vagante', Teatro Nuovo, Verona
· 'Memoria - Desiderio e segni', performance at M.A.R.T. of Rovereto, directed by Giuseppe Calliari Paolo Valerio
· Theater piece 'Orfeo - ieri, oggi, domani', together with the Conservatorio 'E. F. Dall'Abaco' and the Academy of Art ‘G. B. Cignaroli', Teatro Nuovo, Verona
· 'Primo Amore', Film by Matteo Garrone, Fandango
· 'Morphonema', Poetry-Concert, Casa Infanta, Foyer T. N., Verona
· 'Attacco al Cuore', performance for 'Casa Infanta', Foyer of the Teatro Nuovo, Verona
· 'Il pittore e la modella', tv-show by David Riondino and Milo Manara
· Performance 'Kalli Graphia', Expo' Café, Acc. Cignaroli, Verona
· Performance 'Parole sull'Essenziale' with Marco Ongaro, S. Elena, Verona
'Quattro Quadri' Tour, multimedia-performance, with Lorenzo Pagani and David Tomasi, coreography by S. Augusta and video by A. Rizzi:
· GALLERIA ‘IL DISEGNO', Mantua, may 7th
· TERRAZZA Teatro Nuovo, august 5th-6th
· PALAZZO DELLA GRAN GUARDIA (Vr), on the final exhibition of the Univeristy of Verona – Academy of Arts, July 1st
· FESTE VIGILIANE, Piazza del Duomo, Trento, juny 21st
· INTERZONA-INTERACCADEMIA, ex magazzini generali (Vr), may 27th, with Accademia Cignaroli and C. Di Mambro
· GLI SPAZI DELL'ARTE, Peschiera d./G., may 15th-16th, with Accademia Cignaroli
· INTERZONA, ex magazzini generali (Vr), weekend may 1st, with Polvere (Xavier - Afterhours + M. Coletti) and Krakatoa-Motel Connection (Samuel - Subsonica + Dj Pisti)
Theater-piece ‘Prometeo Incatenato', from the Æschilos tragedy, directed by Alberto Rizzi, produced by ‘Compagnia Ippogrifo':
TEATRO ANTONIANUM, Padua, 26th november 2004
TEATRO CAMPLOY, Verona, 15th october 2004
conferences and workshops
Birth of Rome Anniversary , 753 BC. - Conferences and historical-archeologicla events, produced by Comune di Roma, Via Claudia Augusta, Gruppo Storico Romano, Civico Museo Archeologico, Rome, april 18th-19th-21st
International Archeological Meeting, Via Claudia Augusta - CRAM, Mezzocorona, Italy, may 16th
Roman Archeology Gathering, Mezzolombardo, Italy, march 27th
Presentation of LILA International Culture and Art Magazine, Mezzocorona, Italy - Vienna, Austria, march
Conference "Town and Borderline - Salurn and Haderburg Castle (Das Dorf an der Grenze - Salurn und die Haderburg " by David Tomasi and Martin Schweiggl, with Markus Kofler, produced by AOSM/KSL - Federation of the German-speaking Teachers and Professors of South Tyrol, Salorno/Salurn (Bz), Italy, october 18th
Conference "Il Corpo" by David Tomasi, Palazzo Bottagisio, Villafranca di Verona, september 28th
Conference "Dissezioni #01", with Marco Gay, Fabrizio Colombo, Daniela Rosi, Giovanni Tavano and David Tomasi, Via Morgagni, Verona, september 26th
Official Opening of the new Via Claudia Augusta Head Office, produced by the Superintendence of Archeological Heritage of the Provinces Bolzano and Trento, Giontech Archeological Site, Mezzocorona/Kronmetz (Tn), august 16th
Christian Rainer, invitation artist for the digital photography course 'Impronte Digitali', curated by David Tomasi and Monica Tarocco, Accademia di Belle Arti Cignaroli, Verona, april 30th
Official MART Video - Press Conference, produced by CRAM & Latocreativo, MART - Conference Hall, Rovereto (Tn), Italy, march 10th
"Davide Filippi", a new book by Dr. Paolo Dalla Torre, produced by Comune di Faedo, CRAM, Accademia di Belle Arti Cignaroli, Trento, Italy, March 1st
'Art in Unterland', Conference by David Tomasi, UPAD - University of Dolomitic Alps, Bozen, february 21st
'Manifesta 7: AltraRete', CRAM, february 15th
2nd Via Francigena Meeting, Rome, Italy, January 25th
'Via Francigena 1st International Meeting', Siena, Italy, january 10th
CRAM on TV Special, TCA, november 29th -30th
'Dürerweg 2007', Salurn (Bz),may 25th-27th
The Night of the Museums 2007: Consiglio d'Europa/Conseil de l'Europe, Repubblica Italiana - Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali, République Francaise - Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication, Verona may 19th
IX settimana della Cultura: Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali, Soprintendenza Patrimonio Storico Artistico e Etnoantropologico Vr Vi Ro, Università degli Studi di Verona, Ufficio Beni Culturali Ecclesiastici, Verona may 12th-20th
'Generationenfahrt: Klösterle', Tiroler Heimatpflege, may 12th
Opening CRAM, Mezzocorona (Tn), may 6th
Conference 'Archeologische Ausgrabungsstätte', Verein für Heimatpflege Innsbruck, may 5th
500 years Post: Conference by Tomasi and Dal Negro, may 4th
Conference 'Croz de la reson/Soltnerstoan', S.A.T. Trento, april 22nd
Interview"Paul Troger", with Verena Amort and Sigrid Trojer, RAI-Sender Bozen, april 2nd
Conference 'Palladio: New Research', Salurn (Bz), march 22nd
Conference "Das Klösterle", with Tomasi, Pedri, Veneri, Pescoller, University of Innsbruck, march 19t
Lecture on 'Albrecht Dürer', Nuremberg (D), with the support of 'Albrecht Dürer Haus' and 'Associazione Trentini nel Mondo', January 27th
Conference 'Art and History in the archeological sites of Mezzocorona', Domus Romana, Mezzocorona (Tn), august 20th
Conference 'Dürerweg', cultural centre, Laag (Bz), april 7th
Introducing ‘Sentiero del Dürer', TgR – RaiTre, august 1st
Final ‘Dürerweg 2005' Award in Cembra (Tn), 9th july, with Philippe Daverio, within the international Müller Thurgau festival, july 7th -10th
Presentation of the 2nd edition of the ‘Dürerweg Art Trophy', with De Zambotti and Pedri, Salurn (Bz), may 14th
Conference for the exhibition ‘Spectator' at Biblioteca ‘Tartarotti', MART, Rovereto (Tn), Autumn/Fall
Introducing the new book ‘Lezioni di boxe' by Achille Bonito Oliva, with A. B. O., Davide Antolini and Francesco Butturini, together with Galerie BoxArt and Cariverona, Accademia Cignaroli, Verona, december
'ParoleDanza', Theater-pièce, Teatro Nuovo-Obiettivo Palcoscenico and Compagnia Sisina Augusta, Bardolino (Vr)
'Sconfinart 2003', performance-workshop at Expo d'Arte Contemporanea, Centro Trentino Esposizioni, Trento
Eliana Frigo solo show ‘Euritmia corporea', Palazzo Cavriani_Sala espositiva Scuderie, Volta Mantovana (Mn), curated by David Tomasi
> DAVIDE FILIPPI, di by Paolo Dalla Torre, prodotto da produced by Comune di Faedo, CRAM, Accademia di Belle Arti Cignaroli, Trento 2008
> MYST - mistica e mistero di una collezione fotografica / MYST - mystic and mystery of a photographic collection, catalogo catalogue, testi a cura di text by David Tomasi e and Mauro Fiorese, edizioni editions CRAMtemporanea_Photographia, Mezzocorona 2007
> SPAZIOARTE PISANELLO: 10 ANNI, catalogo catalogue, Spazioarte Pisanello - Fondazione Toniolo, testi di text by Adriano Vincenzi, Tiziano Brusco, Maurizio Angiari, Rosabianca Cinquetti, Carmela Perucchetti, David Tomasi e and Paolo Zoppi, Verona 2007
> RINTRACCIARTI 2007, catalogo catalogue, idea idea Daniele Goldoni, direzione artistica artistic direction Enrico Albertini, Pierpaolo Parogni e and Giona Scanavini, Palazzo della Ragione/Cubo Studio, DSM, Feltrinelli/Spazio libero, Mantova 2007
> ARTVERONA 2007, catalogo catalogue, direttore artistico artistic director Massimo Simonetti, curatore Outsider Art curator Daniela Rosi, Fullsteam/VeronaFiere, Verona 2007
> BESTIARIO - dall'atelier dell'errore, a cura di curated by Luca Santiago Mora, Collana I Funamboli - Artisti Outsider, Campanotto Editore, Bologna 2007
> IDENTITA' - IOE'L'ALTRO, catalogo catalogue, a cura di curated by Jara Bombana e and Carlotta Specchierla, Moscacieca/Binario 0, Villafranca di Verona 2007
> L'ULTIMO LUSTRO DI HARALD - OMAGGIO AD HARALD SZEEMANN, testi di text by Achille Bonito Oliva, Julien Blaine e and Sarenco, Fabbrica Sarenco/Studio Brescia, Adriano Parise Editore, Colognola ai Colli (Vr), 2005
> NATUS EST - GLI ARTISTI E IL SACRO, catalogo catalogue, testo di text by Fabiana Bussola, Spazioarte Pisanello Fondazione Toniolo, Verona 2005
> IV BIENNALE D'ARTE POSTUMIA GIOVANI 2004, catalogo catalogue, a cura di curated by Paola Artoni, Adriano Castelli, Antonella Gandini e and Renzo Margonari, MAM - Museo d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea MAM - modern and contemporary art museum, Gazoldo degli Ippoliti (Mn), 2004
> CARTE - PERCORSO DI PITTURA, a cura di text by Graziella Morandini e and Daniela Rosi, Centro Salute Mentale A.U.L.S.S. 20, Verona 2005
> EDGAR ALLAN POE, tutti i racconti del mistero, dell'incubo e del terrore, a cura di curated by Gabriele La Porta, edizione speciale prodotta da /special edition produced by l'Arena e and Teatro Nuovo di Verona, direttore director Paolo Valerio, Interventi di performances by Massimo Rubulotta e and David Tomasi, Newton & Compton, Roma 2003
> FUORI REGISTRO, catalogo catalogue, a cura di text by Marina Mojana, Accademia di Belle Arti Academy of Fine Arts G.B. Cignaroli, Verona 2004
>TEATRO NUOVO: PROKOF'EV, testi di text by Marco Materassi, Fondazione Arena di Verona, Verona 2004
> ESPO CAFFE, catalogo catalogue, a cura di curated by Camilla Bertoni, Accademia di Belle Arti Academy of Fine Arts G.B. Cignaroli, Verona 2004
> MEMORIA DESIDERIO SEGNI, a cura di curated by Giuseppe Calliari, testi di text by Giuseppe Calliari, Italo Calvino, Philip Glass e and Fausto Melotti, MART - Museo d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea di Trento e Rovereto MART - modern and contemporary art museum of Trento and Rovereto, Compagnia Atlantide Teatro di Verona, Assessorato Provinciale alla Cultura della Provincia di Trento provincial culture councilorship of Trento, Comune di Rovereto commune of Rovereto, Rovereto 2003
> PAROLE SULL'ESSENZIALE, Il dialogo di Cristo nel cenacolo secondo Giovanni, a cura di curated by Guido Arcaro, Cathedralis Veronæ, Verona, 2003
> LE QUATTRO TECNICHE PITTORICHE, a cura di David Antolini, interventi di David Tomasi, Editirice La Prosivendola, Verona, 2003
> LE PIETRE DELLA BASILICA, a cura di curated byManuela Barausse, Franco Barbieri, Giorgio Lotto e Mario PianaCentro Internazionale di Studi di Architettura International Architectonical Studies Centre Andrea Palladio, Biblioteca Civica Bertoliana, Vicenza, 2003
Cultural Heritage Commission of Verona:
> ARS ET RATIO, a cura di curated by Ufficio Beni Culturali della Diocesi di Verona, Verona Fedele Editrice, Verona 2008
> LA SALVAGUARDIA DEL PATRIMONIO ARCHITETTONICO VENETO, a cura di curated by Elena Ballini, Regione Veneto, Venezia 2008
> PER GIROLAMO DAI LIBRI - PITTORE E MINIATORE DEL RINASCIMENTO VERONESE, catalogo e guida alla mostra Catalogue and guide to the exhibition, a cura di curated by Gino Castiglioni, Paola Marini e and Francesca Rossi, testi di text by Gino Castiglioni e and Gianni Peretti, In Visibilia 1, Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali, Marsilio Editori, Venezia 2008
> LA CAPPELLA GRANDE DEL DUOMO DI VERONA, a cura di curated by Marco Agostini, Verona 2008
> PALATIUM PONTIFICUM INTRA URBEM, Guida storico-artistica al Historical and artistical guide to Palazzo Vescovile di Verona, a cura curated by di Marco Agostini, Verona 2007
> MANTEGNA E LE ARTI A VERONA, Catalogo e guida alla mostra Catalogue and guide to the exhibition, a cura di curated by Paola Marini, testi di text by Cristina Franchini, Gianni Peretti e and Ilaria Turri, Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali, Marsilio Editori, Venezia 2006
Published Books, Research Works and Thesis:
> ORGASMO E CREATIVITA', Tesi Thesis, University Master of Arts Degree, di by David Tomasi, Accademia di Belle Arti Cignaroli, Verona, 2006
> CASA GIOVANNINI-TOMASI IN MEZZOCORONA - Contributi storico-artistici per una ricerca finalizzata al restauro, Ricerca Research Thesis, di by David Tomasi, Corso di Storia dell'Arte, Art History Course, Accademia di Belle Arti Cignaroli, Verona, 2004
> JOSEF ZOTTI - Das komplette Werk, Ricerca Research Thesis, di by David Tomasi, Corso di Architettura e Urbanistica, Architecture and Urbanistic Course, Accademia di Belle Arti Cignaroli, Verona, 2004
> FLUSSO ARCHETIPICO, Ricerca Research Thesis, di by David Tomasi, Corso di Teatro/Storia dello Spettacolo/Anatomia/Tecniche dei Mass Media Anthropology/Theatre/Show History/Mass Media Techniques Course, Accademia di Belle Arti Cignaroli, Verona, 2003
> JEROEN DIE MAELRE - Hieronymus Bosch, Ricerca Research Thesis, di by David Tomasi, Corso di Storia dell'Arte, Art History Course, Accademia di Belle Arti Cignaroli, Verona, 2003
> KLÖSTERLE - Un convento medievale al centro della Val d'Adige, Ricerca Research Thesis, di by David Tomasi, Corso di Storia dell'Arte, Art History Course, Accademia di Belle Arti Cignaroli, Verona, 2002
> IL MITO DI NARCISO E I SUOI SIGNIFICATI SIMBOLICI, Ricerca Research Work, di by David Tomasi, Corso di Antropologia, Anthropology Course, Accademia di Belle Arti Cignaroli, Verona, 2002
> SIMBOLOGIA DEGLI ANTICHI POPOLI EUROPEI, > KLÖSTERLE - Un convento medievale al centro della Val d'Adige, Ricerca Research Thesis, di by David Tomasi, Corso di Storia dell'Arte, Art History Course, Accademia di Belle Arti Cignaroli, Verona, 2001
> IDENTITA' E ANALOGIE NEI DIALETTI DELL'ARCO ALPINO, di by David Tomasi, Liceo Scientifico Leonardo Da Vinci, Trento 1999